Search engine optimization (SEO)

In the professional part of our popular Content Marketing, SEO, and Google Ads course, you will learn more advanced and complex techniques for SEO, content marketing, and Google Ads. These advanced techniques will help you deepen your existing SEO skills. Through a series of hands-on sessions, you will not only gain a better understanding of search engine marketing techniques, but also gain practical experience by applying these techniques to live demo sites. You’ll learn advanced digital marketing techniques, keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization/link building, technical SEO, content marketing funnels, and even how to track all your activity using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. You’ll also learn how to install WordPress for free with no technical knowledge, optimize a WordPress site for SEO, and apply advanced SEO techniques in WordPress for popular B2B and B2C/eCommerce sites. With graded assignments, quizzes, and guidance from our expert instructor, you’re guaranteed to build on your existing skills and advance further in your career. Having the knowledge of how to build basic websites without learning to code, and then being able to market your website on Google and other digital marketing platforms to generate more leads and sales is one of the most important skills in today’s digital economy.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will not only gain a better understanding of advanced techniques in SEO, Google Ads, and content marketing but also gain hands-on experience applying these techniques to a website. They will learn how websites work, how to set up a free basic WordPress website to practice SEO and digital marketing, how to optimize websites for SEO with hands-on practice, which plugins are important for SEO, and how to track and measure the results of their efforts. They will learn how to run more advanced ads on Google to get better leads. Not only will they gain insight into advanced SEO, on-page and off-page optimization, link building, content marketing, conversion optimization, and other techniques, but they will also learn how to apply these techniques to demo sites in a live environment.


Course requirements:

This course is level 2 of our Content Marketing, SEO, and Google Ads Fundamentals course. Participants are expected to have a fairly basic understanding of everything, including but not limited to HTML, websites, SEO, Google Ads, and other basic concepts in SEO. The content of the course will evolve quickly and is intended for participants who know the basics but want to develop further. If you are new to digital marketing, SEO, and Google Ads, you can choose our SEO Fundamentals course to learn the basics before attending this Professional Track course.


Please note: A Certificate will be sent to you at the end of the course. For more information, please see the Guidelines section.