Digital marketing


Traditional marketing is less effective than digital marketing. Brands are rapidly shifting their budgets from TV to digital.

Digital is the future.

How true are these statements? What is digital marketing and will digital marketing eventually replace traditional marketing? The course will cover the following topics:

  • Fundamental marketing principles
  • Choosing the Correct “Campaign Objective”
  • An overview of the accessible digital platforms (Google Search, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram) and the digital properties they provide.
  • Monitoring campaign performance in relation to specified KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
  • The new public relations medium.

Learning outcomes:

This course will provide a framework for developing and implementing digital campaigns. It will also help you leverage the power of digital media to increase awareness (top-of-funnel marketing) and sales (bottom-of-funnel marketing). Interactive case studies and presentations by well-known digital marketers as guest speakers will enrich the course. Please note that participants must leave their cameras on during the sessions.

Please note: A Certificate will be sent to you at the end of the course. For more information, please see the Guidelines section.